Saturday, May 31, 2008


i packed all my yarn today and it fits in a BIGGEST plastic bin i could buy at Dominion. the size that you could store all your camping gear for life in. it's kind of scary. better get knitting...

AND, i'm learning how to weave this month. each saturday morning in june i'll be at the anna templeton centre taking an on-loom weaving class. cool eh? i'm really really looking forward to it.


Thursday, May 29, 2008


i had a consultant in the office helping me with some stuff last week. he was from Montreal and we had a very productive time together.

at one point, while walking to the car bent over almost perpendicular to the ground, he said "you know how they call Chicago the windy city? well, i've been to Chicago many times and it IS really windy there, but they have NOTHING ON THIS PLACE."

it was then that i looked at him and said "WHAT?" because i couldn't hear him over the wind that was howling past my ears.