Saturday, June 17, 2006


elga actually suggested that i start a blog. and since i do EVERYTHING that elga tells me to do, here it is.
we are finally in toronto.... and i have to say it is HOT. 32 degrees right now and i'm loving it. so far the people are not any different than vancouverites (despite what we west coasters would like to think) and the city is actually really nice.
we left vancouver on monday.....and put 4300+ kilometres on my car in 5 days. we hit kamloops, swift current, winnipeg, madison and now toronto. everything else is a blur from the car window. 12 hours+ driving every day (except monday, our one short day so we could spend some time with mom and dad in the loops). the rockies blew past in a few short hours and then the prairies rolled out before us. contrary to popular belief, southern saskatchewan is not is extremely rolling. and when you compare that to southern manitoba and north dakota it is actually downright hilly. the country has been beautiful though. we had the chance to stop at nana engel's grave (more emotional that i thought it would be) and i have been steadily meeting vernon's family from 3 year olds to grandparents. we are having a ton of fun and for now i will let photos tell the main story. i have taken over 211 photos since kamloops - most of which are from the car window because we honestly did not stop!
i miss you all and i'll hopefully hear from you soon,


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen: Nice to be able to hear a bit more about your trip thus far. We'll talk soon. Love Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Hurray, good to see the suspendered elephant is making his way across the country on your toe. He's going to be very dirty by the time you get to the east.

Anonymous said...

what about the statue? I thought you did everything I said...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're doing what you've been told Jen.
p.s. did you remember to bring a sweat-ah?