Thursday, August 03, 2006

only a couple of days left....

i said it was hot earlier this summer......but i was wrong. it's hot now. it is at least 100 degrees and humid. it is awesome since really, we can spend our afternoons sitting by the pond or driving to a swimming hole.....i can't imagine being in the city in this heat. ew. and ugh. :)

yesterday we drove to hamilton falls. it was fantastic. it's a nice little 5 minute stroll from the parking lot straight down the side of a ravine basically. it's about 20 degrees cooler at the bottom and the water is so nice and refreshing. the water coming down the falls is like a natural massager (hang onto your bathing suit though!). we went with nick and adrienne (composer and pianist respectively) - they are really fun. after our swim and stroll through the woods looking for mushrooms we went and binged on mexican food. yum!

here is a shot of me at work. seriously. i love this job. obviously i'm about to go out on the road on "official" business because i'm carrying my purse avec drivers licence. of course, when i was sick i carried it around full of cough drops and tissue....but i don't look sick in this photo.

the farmer's market we went to last weekend was really neat. i bought maple syrup and we ate curried shrimp skewers and homemade lemonade. unfortunately when we were there an accident occured which involved a car improperly e-braked rolling through a stand and over the guy running it. he was conscious - it seemed to go over only his leg - but really scary for everyone who saw it (we arrived right after). hopefully he was ok.

a typical sunday morning working.

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