Sunday, November 18, 2007

no denying it

there really is no reason to deny it anymore. winter is fast approaching. i've been trying to convince myself that the chilly mornings were just a passing thing, that maybe this year we wouldn't get winter... but, according to environment canada, winter might just visit us on monday. it's not so much the chance of flurries as the high of minus 1 that gets to me. the fact that the high doesn't even break the freezing point of water kind of irritates me. good thing my car goes in on thursday to get her studs on... today is chilly, but clear blue skies and very little wind. too bad i'm chained inside listening to accounting lectures.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm actually impressed that it's mid-November and the temp hasn't gone below freezing yet! I'm sure it has in Alberta - my parents love telling me how cold it is there so that I can feel better that it's still a tropical 28 degrees in my part of Thailand ...

PS - I think I spotted you in one of the Canada groups on Ravelry!