Monday, February 19, 2007

the weekend

this weekend the weather was fantastic - saturday was a mix of sun and cloud and intermittant snow all day. not a lot, but basically continuous. sunday dawned bright and clear which really spells one thing: STORM. the storm came last night in the form of a crap load of snow. tonight the winds will apparently come. fun! but for now, some pics.

the sock is getting longer. i'm about halfway done the leg i figure. i'm not really sure. part of me wants to just end it now but i know i'll be sad when it's not long enough. so i soldier on. we drove out to beachy cove and bauline on sunday afternoon. basically we just wanted to get out of the city and see some country. it was very picturesque. and very very cold. here's a church in beachy cove. it has a fantastic view of the water.

the cliffs of bell island. isn't that spectacular? the ferry was coming in while we were there and it was heaving something fierce though. i wouldn't want to have to take a boat in the winter here.

how windy was it? so windy, my eyes blew shut. my body, thanks to my shiny new far west jacket is very very warm. my legs, thanks to my midzero tights under my jeans are very very warm. my face is frozen solid. and the snow is very bright in the sun. but it was pretty. so there you go.
the next time we got out of the car (this time in bauline), i was smart and wore my break n' enter gear:
the locals looked at me funny but i was warm so whatever. also - in this photo i'm actually smiling. talk about a reflex eh?

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